After joining the Godblogcon team ( where I am the Director of Marketing, I have thought a lot about the nature and beauty of blogging. Godblogcon is a conference that takes place in September at the Las Vegas Convention Center under the umbrella of Blogworld and New Media expo. GBC hopes to influence Christians bloggers by discussing ideas pertinent to well-written blogs. As I spend more time working to raise the last few thousand dollars GBC needs in sponsorships, I have realized that working with GBC has taught me way more than just business and marketing. It has enforced the idea in me that Christians should blog. There is a voice in every single one of us believers and there is an untapped market that is being tapped into with secularism, politics (this it not necessarily bad), and narcissism. What if Christians used the art of blogging to reach the ends of the earth? What if we can have our voices heard so that we may strengthen others to live better lives? Can technology really be used to fulfill the Great Commission?
As a way to pique my interest and to see which of my friends would blog; I have asked some of my friends to blog, and in return I have found that the most common response to such a request is either one has a lack of time, one rather keep his or her thoughts private, and finally, one has nothing good to talk about and he or she must wait until the perfect opportunity to drop the perfect and most thought-provoking blog ever. Ninety percent of the time, ‘lack of time’ is a poor excuse, because often we are able to fill our days with most anything that does nothing to enhance our soul. The second excuse may be the most understandable. Some people rather keep their thoughts in a private journal or keep their thoughts to themselves. I have nothing wrong with a journal. I myself try to keep one as well. This is slightly understandable because some people are often more private than others. However, the story of the parable of the talents comes to mind, and are we burying our talent or are we using our keyboard to put our thoughts on paper so that others may learn to grow in the Lord? In the end, it seems that refusing to blog because one rather be private in his spiritual journey is somewhat of a hindrance to ones spiritual growth. Much like The Picture of Dorian Gray, a blog reveals the soul of a Christian to a certain degree. Our souls are exposed like the painting of Dorian. What do others see? Do they see youth and beauty or do they see the soul wanting to be locked away out of mere astonishment of its horridness. Let us expose our thoughts if we have nothing but beauty to show. Let others see the light of Christ moving in our lives. In a way, blogging keeps one accountable to his or her spiritual growth. Moving on, the third excuse seems the most ridiculous. Rome was not built over night and even the greatest authors did not submit their best work the first time around. (Jack London’s experience in Martin Eden is an example of such). However, if you have something pertinent to say, let it be heard (This seemingly nonchalant attitude about blogging does have a danger in that it could be done poorly or in a narcissistic manner). Also, are not our thoughts to be constantly focused on the praise and love of Christ?
Narcissism is the greatest danger to blogging. Blogging is an art and like all art, it should be done well. Because a blog tends to be more subjective to one's opinion, it is easier for that person to focus on the events, musings, and ideas of his or her life rather than focusing on objective matters. Focusing on subjective matters in itself is not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, it wouldn’t be a blog if it wasn’t a single person writing about his events, musings, and ideas about life. Nevertheless, there seems to be a tendency in blogs to have narcissistic undertones. The easiest way to avoid narcissism is to write a blog in a similar manner that St. Augustine wrote Confessions. The genre of the autobiography has become very narcissistic over time, but Augustine’s confessions were nothing but praise for the Lord and His ability to direct him from wickedness to salvation. Augustine writes, “I intend to remind myself of my past foulnesses and carnal corruptions, not because I love them but so that I may love You, my God. It is from love of your love that I make the act of recollection. The recalling of my wicked ways is bitter in my memory, but I do it so that you may be sweet to me, a sweetness touched by no deception, a sweetness serene and content” (Book II). This indirectly answers my question which initially proposed me to write this blog in the first place. How are Christians supposed to blog? After all of this, I don’t believe there is a correct way for Christians to blog as long as they do it well, show no trace of narcissism, and write in a manner that glorifies God. One can write about sports and his love for sports using an appreciation of the Lord that he has created man to play sports. One can write about politics and praise the Lord that He has the world in the palm of His hand no matter who wins or loses the Presidential election. As Christians we have a great influence on who hears us and blogging is just one more venue that any person can enter. Can we reach the ends of the earth through technology? Can we influence other Christians to be better Christians? Can we in all our ignorance and simplicity be a lamp of God’s love shining brightly through the words He compels us to write and the thoughts He empowers us to think? Let not your ink run dry from your pen and let not your fingers tire from the pounding on the keyboard. May your thoughts be an eternal flame that points to the love of God. May others see Him.
Quite a lengthy thought, there.
Not that I blame you.
Thanks for inspiring me!
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